I have been considering this for some time now, but have been reluctant to do anything about it. The problem I am considering is the hosting of this blog and where it is currently done.
As it stands right now the folks at MUN’s Computer Science department are kind enough to host this blog on their systems. I update, maintain, and administer the software myself and they provide the space – via my user account – and Domain Name redirection. Because it is an academic institution I do not feel they would interfere with the content of this blog I also would like to remove any responsibility from their shoulders. Moving to a new provider like blogger however might actually cause my writings to be more restrictive. I know the admins at MUN, I do not know the people at Google’s Blogger. So in the highly improbable event of a complaint against my blog I will likely have more success defending it under the protection of academia and close ties with the people who run the systems.
My other reason for thinking about a switch is the ability to unify my online experience with one provider. I keep a few blogs over at blogger, and this could be one of them. With the amalgamation of Googles services to one user account I can easily manage moving from one blog to another, gmail integration and avail of the other google services. This also means I do not have to administer the software for this site. Finally, it would mean I would lose the option to have a custom look. While I could design my own layout with blogger, I would not have the total control I have with this current site.
I am not sure what route to take, but if anyone has suggestions as to what to do let me know. I am always interested in a new point of view.
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