It is more than just a website.

August 8, 2007 Christopher 6

A lot of people do not understand the power of online marketing, of good site design, and how to leverage all the Web 2.0 ideas to help your bottom line. This is a bit of a problem in more rural settings I find and a […]

Facebook security in question?

July 31, 2007 Christopher 1

Earlier today Facebook went down for what was reported as an upgrade. For about an hour or so the site showed a “We’re upgrading” message to all the users who attempted to access the main site. If you attempted to access your schools site (for […]

Something new coming from Facebook?

July 31, 2007 Christopher 1

After doing some work today I decided to log into my Facebook account and see what the people are doing. It took some time to get a page to load and originally I thought it was a slow connection but instead I was greeted with […]

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