This Thursday marks the annual Shave-A-Thon which is a fundraiser for the Janeway Foundation held by the students of Memorials residences. In particular, the Rothermere and Doyle houses in Payton College. The event is being held at the campus bar (The Breezeway) starting at 8:00pm. Besides the $2 ticket price – $3 at the door – there will be a minimum donation of $15 to have your head shaved. Since it is for a good cause, I have issued a challenge to the people on my list to raise a total of $250 to see me have my head shaved. Currently two people have stepped up for a total of $25 but I am hoping that everyone else will fill in the remaining $225. In exchange for parting with their small donation I will separate with my hair. They get the benefit of knowing they helped a good case and the entertainment of me going bald. I get the satisfaction in knowing that the loss of my hair managed to net $250+ for the children’s hospital. I feel it is a fair trade.
So if you are interested in donating to the cause feel free to leave a comment below indicating how much you are willing to donate to see me lose my hair. If you are in St John’s show up at the breezeway with the your money at 8:00 on Thursday, if not make arrangements with me. Also, if you are a facebook user post your donation there.
Finally, if I do not reach the magic $250 mark I will still donate the money to the Janeway but you lose the pleasure of seeing me lose my locks of hair. However, I’ll see if I can pay (since it is a $15 min donation) for others to lose their hair with it.
Hope you can help me meet my goal and help some needy kids in the process.
For the love of God and all that is holy….
The word is LOSE!
Proofread ftw!
Simple type-o that was overlooked in my re-read of the piece. It is now fixed.