So my challenge to raise $250 for the Janeway is quite a success. So far I have raised $212 towards my goal of $250. In turn for helping me raise $250 I will shave my head at tomorrows Shave-A-Thon in the Breezeway (8:00pm). This event is being organized by Doyle and Rothermere houses over in Patyon College. So far I would like to thank the following people for their donations:
Shelley Wells: $20
Jennifer Vatcher: $5
Chad Hayward: $20
Jane Ryan: $2
Kim McDonald: $5
Jane Oliver: $8
Chris Snow: $10
David Goosney: $20
Members of the Political Science Society: $7
Members of SOTA: $4
Members of SPAM: $3
Trina Porter: $4
Dennis Rice: $15
Allan Dwyer: $20
A member of LGBT: $1
Melissa Hogan: $10
Scott Andrews: $4
Scott Reid: $5
Marc Hollett: $20
Melissa James: $5
Kristie Leonard: $10
Stacy Hayward: $20
Julie Hannaford: $10
Jim Pelley: $2
Russ Tilley: $2
Some other people have promised they would donate (co-workers and members of the UN society) but did not say how much. I’ll know more tomorrow when I follow up with them.
I want to thank everyone and anyone who is able to support Newfoundland and Labrador’s only Children’s Hospital. I also want to thank my friends who have selflessly given some of their money so I can look like a fool… at least for the next month or so until it grows back.
If you wish to donate please leave a comment here, email me, MSN me, or call me saying you want to help. Also, I’ll need to get the money from you by Thursday evening in order to present it at tomorrows event.
Again, Many Thanks!
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